Subject: A Peek at the Budget Thinking
Date: May 11, 2014 9:13:40 AM PDT
One thing about our current Council -- they are efficient. No time or money is wasted on gathering community input, as the 2014/15 Budget process proves. It's that time again and 5 people in town have made all the decisions about how to spend our $9 mil. And it seems they met with themselves in several unannounced study sessions. Check the budget. Paul Dohring sends his comments here: "Have there been any prior workshops where citizens have been allowed to give their input? Usually there are a series of workshops leading up to adoption of the budget. The budget should be used as a communication tool for the city and should be tied to the city's stated mission and specific goals. I note that the city never produced its annual performance report(usually a meeting is held at the beginning of the year) to evaluate whether it accomplished last year's stated goals. I do not recall either a review or a goal setting session this year that would allow the council to hear what St.Helenans believe the goals should be. I also do not see any attempt to proactively link the city's goals with the budget allocations. Without the link we cannot really judge performance. I also see a proposal to expend $100,000 on an "economic vitality consultant" (presumably for economic development) without any explanation of criteria for selection, qualifications, duties or goals." Alas, only if one knows what should happen can one truly appreciate the lack of good government we have! So, as usual, it's Tuesday at 6PM at Vintage Hall. How about asking for an audit? Since all the meetings were secret, it seems like the thing to do. Sandy |