Subject: Background for Tues. Mtg.

Date: June 9, 2014 2:34:53 PM PDT






In case one's issue is up at tomorrow's Council meeting, here is some further background information. 

Also, a correction: Re the vacation rental issue, if 30% of those notified object to the application a hearing is triggered. The 30% objection does not cause denial of the application.


The pages below will have more related topics than just those links listed.  Also for tasting room and vacation rental info, please search the Press Democrat  for similar problems with both Sonoma and Healdsburg.



1. General Plan: 

General Plan Changes


2. Tasting Rooms:

Preserve Sonoma Blog   -- This is the blog for Preserve Sonoma , a group in Sonoma which is pro-resident and dealing with issues similar to ours. Scroll for tasting room info.

The Free Market Myth by Robert Reich , article.

Harvard Business Review article:  Preserve Luxury or Extend the Brand?   You'll have to register but the article asks the question and provides a short term answer.  The ultimate question is not asked however; that is, can luxury be retained in the long term if the brand is "extended"?



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