Subject: Calderon Suit Settlement A Big Game Changer

Date: October 22, 2014 5:45:52 PM PDT






It's a Real Big game changer! Take some time to read and appreciate the fine points -- most interesting is the file on  the Exhibits  spelling out what ordinances will be on the Council and Planning agendas soon and how many and for whom affordable housing units (AFU's) will be built or it's right back to court. 


We can thank David Grabill, an attorney for the Plaintiffs, for giving us the easy-to-understand summary  of the settlement. Check the reference paragraphs against the Settlement  for the rules of the new game. Here's the original Complaint . Cost to the City is $300,000 plus what they spent on the City's attorneys -- just think of what we could have done with it. For openers, we could have given $143,000 to CAH for their affordable housing project on the Turley property. 


From the beginning, the core issue for the current City administration has always been about affordable housing -- frankly speaking, it has been about bald and bold discrimination against many different groups of people in our community who need homes within their budgets. The stalling of the General Plan, the dismissal of housing proposals, prevention of street extensions, the lawsuits, the disingenuous speeches at Council meetings -- all self-serving. Now we pay for their prejudice. 



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