Subject: Changes to Our General Plan

Date: December 12, 2013 8:14:02 AM PST






The General Plan project to determine exactly what was done to the General Plan and why is ready to publish, although there will be even more changes as this City Council has difficulties in finishing the job. 


a.  In 2010 the General Plan Update was revised by the Planning Commission in a normal public process before it was sent on to the Council.  That version of the General Plan and all its Elements appear on  the City website. 


b.  After it was presented to the City Council, the Council made changes to it.  Those changes were identified in the Staff Reports of 11/12/13  and 11/26/13 .  The Staff Reports were identified by the Council as the documents the public should view to see approved changes.


c.  This Changes document  compares the original 2010 documents to the 2013 changes for every change in the Staff Reports, in two columns. 


d.  This Analysis document  identifies the most problematic changes for the City and why -- my opinion only.


If time is important, start with the last one, the Analysis document, and then read the Changes document, Staff Reports or General Plan if you wish to double check anything.  I urge you to read through all the documents and come to your own conclusions about whether the people of St. Helena should accept the changes made by the City Council or not.


Thank you,


P.S. Please forward this email to friends and family interested in St. Helena governance.

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