Subject: City Manager, Pedestrians & Zinfandel Ln.

Date: July 19, 2014 6:03:13 PM PDT






New this week:
1.  Welcome to our new City Manager, Jennifer Phillips.  She is educated and experienced in public admin. and has a familiarity with issues in this area since she currently works for the City of Santa Rosa. Perhaps we'll meet her at the Council mtg. on Tuesday, 6PM, Vintage Hall. Here are the
terms of her contract.  If you have any opinions regarding City positions, you can post them here . I'll collect them all for publication later, minus names.
2.  Then, the City has submitted a grant to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) for pedestrian improvements around town. All good, as long as those deadly sidewalks are fixed and the money is spread around town evenly. One interesting chart in the grant app was the amount of Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) in town. Here you go.  Sit down first. The chart assumes every person here, including children, drives over 9,000 miles/yr in town. Yagottawonder.
3.  On the County level: Wisely, the Raymond Winery application on Zinfandel has been postponed.  Here are Andy Beckstoffer's comments  to the County Planning Commission, public record and pretty tough stuff.  Looks like it's time for Rethinking Napa Valley and updating the County General Plan -- a new vision for new realities is emerging.


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