Subject: Crux of Controversy Link Fix
Date: February 28, 2014 4:42:18 PM PST
Very sorry --
some links were broken so here is the email again with fixed links, my
apologies. The
Hunter housing application, which has been submitted, is the fundamental
driver of the controversy behind the General Plan since the GP maps show
housing where the Hunter property is and also roads to service that
housing. Currently Hunter believes he has a case and you can read what
that is. The City appears caught in the middle between the State
requirements, the east-siders, Hunter, the City residents who want better
traffic circulation and affordable housing, the need to adopt a General Plan
for the whole City, the coming election and limited finances. Whew! The Crux of the Hunter Controversy -- this is a PDF file, 3MB. If you know someone who doesn't use a computer and would like to read it, please print and circulate. Sandy |