Subject: Driveways, Wine Society
Date: August 25, 2014 3:04:19 PM PDT
At the City Council meeting Tues., 6PM, Vintage Hall, the most need-to-know thing is new wording on driveways: "To avoid congestion at the entrance of a property from the street or access drive, no on-site parking space or gate shall be allowed within the initial thirty (30) feet of the edge of pavement of the access drive, drive aisle or property line, or location as determined by the Public Works Director in conjunction with the Fire Chief." So if that applies, it's the meeting for you. Staff Report . Coming up: At the Planning Commission in Sept., the beginning of last effort to retain the vision of the community for the new General Plan (GP). And, new issue, the Chamber's forthcoming economic plan for downtown. Note: the Economic Element in the General Plan legally rules commercial land use, not the Chamber of Commerce. Lastly, sometimes wine estates and events are not about wine but just rungs on the social ladder. As proof, in the Bigelow column in Sunday's Chronicle, O.J. Shansby: "We loved Shanel (362 Sonoma acres), but I'm no longer a farmer. We've done wine," . . ."We've moved to the Cabernet capital of the world (Oakville) and no longer need to make our own". As such estates proliferate, the loss of forest, water and ag land in the Valley increases. For details on this problem, see this American Farmland Trust paper on agricultural land loss. Nonetheless, it was a pain to find out we need to make our own Cab until we buy a hill in Oakville. Drat. Sandy |