Subject: GP, Montessori, Davies Appeal, Walt Ranch

Date: October 26, 2014 6:04:02 PM PDT







1. The General Plan.  At the last Planning Commission meeting, a review (required by State Code) was continued from the last meeting of the "substantial" General Plan (GP) changes made by the Council. Mr.Carniglia, the City's temp planner, did not color code all changes (14 omitted in Land Use alone) nor did he identify what was deleted from the 2010 Plan; nor did he present a readable list of changes. Plus, computer formatting was left in the document to further confuse the public.


In order to malign a document this much, this consistently, for this long, it has to be deliberate. After denying it in the first meeting, Mr Carniglia admitted in the second meeting that much was unlabeled and/or deleted. Nonetheless and surprisingly, the Commissioners approved all the changes that the Council made except for semantic/grammatical tweaks. 


Commissioners are appointed by the Mayor, two of which are affiliated with the local Montessori School, Matthew Heil, son of the owners, is Development Director, fundraising, and the other, Brian Russell, has been its attorney. The Montessori School shares geographic and political positions with Council and Planning Commission members. One Council member, Peter White, is an employee/director of the School and is currently running for office, which is why this post is timely. Since 2011, the period encompassing the terms of the most Montessori employees/affiliates in public office, the school has prospered. Here are their public record Non-Profit IRS 990 Forms as compiled by the National Center for Charitable Statistics (NCCS). They are accredited (See AMI) for ages 3-12 only. Private schools can organize and hire in whatever manner is best for them but in this election season one wonders why a Montessori School looms large in local government, with more representation than any other single business -- more than the wine industry itself? 


2. Tues. Council Mtg. Coming up this week:  

¥    A.  A Study Session with the Historical Society on a "Historical Cultural Community Center" on the Adams St. property starting at 5 PM. Here is the current community official     B.  New changes to housing ordinances as required by the Calderon lawsuit. Local Preference Policy & Displaced Tenant Assistance.

¥    C.  The Davies appeal. Interesting are the "Support Letters" included in the Council's packets. Almost all who want the appeal denied are form letters resubmitted (presumably by the applicant) from last spring before the full impact was understood. The only ones who currently want the appeal denied are from Bill Ryan (Nevero supporter), Rodney Friedrich (has a project in the works himself) and one that is the very same form letter used last spring, just re-dated. Here is the appeal which may explain why much support has vanished. The Staff Report.

Here is the link to watch Council & Planning Commission meetings online.

  Go on and get your system requirements set up before you want to watch.  


3.  The Walt Ranch.  This is a MEGA event center/winery project located on the west side of Monticello Road, approximately one mile southwest of its intersection with Highway 128 -- 2,300 acres. Until November 21, 2014, the public can send in comments about the environmental impact to Kelli Cahill, Project Planner, Napa County Planning Dept., 1195 Third Street, Suite 210, Napa, CA 94559. Email: Telephone: (707) 265-2325 Fax: (707) 299-4271. All the details.




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