County will be holding a public hearing on its General Plan Housing
Element Update at the Carnegie Building on Wednesday, November 6, at 5:30
p.m. It is very important that all concerned and caring people
attend and learn about this process -- we will have to do the same thing on
the City level, which begs the question -- since the County's current
housing planning period expires at the same time as ours does, June 30,
2014, why hasn't St. Helena also started it's own public hearing process?
Affordable housing for local people is key to the future economic and
social viability of St. Helena.
To follow up on Dr. Robert
Reich's film, Inequality for All, there are new articles on the Resource page: Inequality For All, Robert Reich Q & A from the
film Halve the Gap, re: the disconnection of a
generation of youth in the Bay Area. War on the Poor, by Paul Krugman (we're
seeing it locally). Poverty in America is Mainstream,
by Mark Rank, New York Times Great Divide Series Unfortunately,
we are not immune from national trends and their consequences.
Tree Tunnel: A reminder to please sign the Tree Tunnel Petition and urge family &
friends to do so also! It is going to take all of us to make a
difference here -- there are layers of bureaucracy and inertia to
combat. Because it is highly visible to all, it has become St.
Helena's "broken window" (the theory that if no one repairs a
simple broken window, it then becomes the first domino). In this
economy, St. Helena's image is its currency.