Subject: Limiting Planning Commission

Date: June 15, 2014 4:43:22 PM PDT







At the Planning Commission on Tues., 6PM, Vintage Hall, we have a camel's-nose-under-the-tent thing, a Small Winery Application.  For the details see the Crocker Starr Application for Dowdell Lane, the new precedent setting terms, the Winery District rules, the Small Winery rules.


While Dowdell seems away from residences, it will set a precedent that will be hard to oppose when similar changes to the Small Winery Ordinance are requested for parcels in town near homes.  Note the political suggestion by "Staff" (who has since resigned) within the application to allow such wholesale change, even though a Referendum campaign has already caused a repeal of such changes to the Ordinance.  It is summer, therefore we can anticipate questionable applications in the hopes that everyone is on vacation. Show up if you're in town!


The second item on Tuesday's agenda is to reduce the terms of Planning Commissioners.  Why should be interesting.




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