Subject: Next Round

Date: February 8, 2014 11:32:04 AM PST





Friday we filed.  556 signatures!  And, we believe that there are at minimum 10-20% more who sympathize but declined to sign due to affiliations, etc., so that puts support to over 600 and represents 18.5% of voters.  Pretty significant. 

There is a new Small Winery page on the website under Issues with some of my letters and one from Nancy Citro in Healdsburg who contacted me about the same issue there.  Turns out it is a state wide problem.  More info will be added soon.

Next round:  This Tuesday, Feb. 11, at the City Council meeting, 6 PM, Vintage Hall.  This meeting is being billed as the definitive one for making decisions -- repeal or not -- and the speeches will fly.  We need everyone with passion about it to speak their bit.  We hope that it is repealed and we all can move forward to re-reading the General Plan and building from there.

Thanks so much for all your support -- this issue reminded each of us that living here is worth defending.

And lastly, take a look at the homepage (link below) for the latest report from the Public Policy Institute on California's future and the fast-read version of conclusions that apply to St. Helena.  This Ordinance issue has also reminded us that we need to be more cognizant of change in our town and state.  It is always better to understand and manage change than be surprised!



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