Subject: Rethink Tourism vs Ag

Date: May 17, 2014 5:29:50 PM PDT





If you missed it, see Bill Hocker's Commentary, 3/16/14, Napa Register:  "Tourism and agriculture are not mutually compatible, each requiring for different purposes the land and water resources that seem to be in ever shorter supply. If the concessions to tourism made in the 2010 WDO are not removed, the tourism they are spawning will continue to nibble at those resources until the vineyards, like the fishing villages of Cape Cod, become only a prop to justify tourism."  Read the whole article.

Next, please vote for Pro. 42, The Public's Right to Know Act. Too many electoral bodies treat transparency as an option or a pesky technicality when it is a core responsibility.  According to the State's Brown Act presentation in Napa this week, it is a 'serial meeting' and a violation of the Brown Act if boards and councils email or text each other or send messages through a city manager. The presenter said it even happens during meetings. Another example, it is problematic for the St. Helena City Council to to hold special meetings at 7:30 AM in their un-televised conference room with only 8 chairs, deliberately restricting the public's right to know.

Check the Good Government page for Brown Act details and the clip on Nevero wanting to cut the Library in the budget hearing. Remember, their own goal (in last week's Star) was to have a General Fund Reserve of 25% ($225 mil) but they said on Tues. that they now have $4 million or 45%! The Library portion of the budget is 10%.

The  Planning Commission has no scheduled matters this week.  The Council said the budget hearing will continue, watch for a special meeting.
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