Subject: The Hill to Die On

Date: September 28, 2014 1:49:12 PM PDT






The only legal document created by the people, for the people that connects the people here is the General Plan. The "hill to die on" is the General Plan.

The Planning Commission will begin reviewing the General Plan again at a Special Meeting on Tuesday, 6PM, Vintage Hall. Please read just the Council-changed Land Use Element alone which I compared line by line to the 2010 original on the City's website. The red arrows point to 22 "stealth changes", not marked or identified in any way as a change, but appearing in the Staff Report the same as original text.

This is not an oversight at this point -- after 4 years of changing, numerous re-writes (including one at the City Attorney's office), and too many hearings to count, it is an act of deception. Please demand that the process stop until every single change has been fully identified and the public noticed in a comprehensible form. Here are their email addresses:,,,,,,

Many are concerned about the hypocrisy of espousing "small town charm" while watching St. Helena be "Caramelized" by commercial opportunists. Speculators disguise intentions, work behind the scenes, pretend mitigations will fix everything and that residents count. If the Council-changed version of the General Plan is adopted, we can look forward to more disparity between words and actions; it will be a race to the bottom.

The Staff Report document of all changes -- given to the Planning Commissioners and public as the complete changed General Plan. (The document is a mess when it need not be.)

Stealth Changes in the Land Use Element.  Scroll 1/2 way down, see red arrows. Double click on comment bubbles to read the original text for comparison. Highlighted sections are problematic. There are 11 Elements in the GP; such stealth changes can be expected throughout. This is exactly why the present administration cannot and should not be trusted for another term.


P.S. Seth Godin sums it up:
"We can transform a priceless thing into a worthless one. Mishandle it, disrespect it, break it, leave it out in the rain. The compromise of the moment, the urgency of now, the lack of a long view -- it's trivially easy to destroy things we think of as priceless.

But we can also transform the worthless into things valuable beyond measure. When we attach memories to something, it becomes worth treasuring. And when the tribe uses it to connect, we have a hard time imagining living without it." 


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