Subject: Tourism 2

Date: July 14, 2014 4:22:28 PM PDT





See the new Tourism page for added information -- the way to manage trends is to first understand them:

1. Tourism Management Biblio

2. The Oversaturation Project -- Article

3. Atlantic City Oversaturation of the Casino Market -- Article

4. Expert believes Phoenix hotel market is over saturated. -- Article

5. Competitiveness of mature tourism destinations -- Study

6. Tourism and the demonstration effect -- Study

7. Book: Tourism and Politics: Policy, Power and Place,  by Hall, C. M, 1994


Excerpt from Study:  Negative Socio-Cultural Impacts From Tourism -- from: UNEP,  United Nations Environment Programme, environment  for  development -- "Change or loss of indigenous identity and values.  Tourism can cause change or loss of local identity and values, brought about by several closely related influences: 

¥    Commodification
Tourism can turn local cultures into commodities when religious rituals, traditional ethnic rites and festivals are reduced and sanitized to conform to tourist expectations, resulting in what has been called "reconstructed ethnicity." Once a destination is sold as a tourism product, and the tourism demand for souvenirs, arts, entertainment and other commodities begins to exert influence, basic changes in human values may occur. Sacred sites and objects may not be respected when they are perceived as goods to trade. 

¥    Standardization
Destinations risk standardization in the process of satisfying tourists' desires for familiar facilities. While landscape, accommodation, food and drinks, etc., must meet the tourists' desire for the new and unfamiliar, they must at the same time not be too new or strange because few tourists are actually looking for completely new things. Tourists often look for recognizable facilities in an unfamiliar environment, like well-known fast-food restaurants and hotel chains.

¥    Loss of authenticity and staged authenticity
Adapting cultural expressions and manifestations to the tastes of tourists or even performing shows as if they were "real life" constitutes "staged authenticity". As long as tourists just want a glimpse of the local atmosphere, a quick glance at local life, without any knowledge or even interest, staging will be inevitable.

¥    Adaptation to tourist demands
Tourists want souvenirs, arts, crafts, and cultural manifestations, and in many tourist destinations, craftsmen have responded to the growing demand, and have made changes in design of their products to bring them more in line with the new customers' tastes. While the interest shown by tourists also contributes to the sense of self-worth of the artists, and helps conserve a cultural tradition, cultural erosion may occur due to the commodification of cultural goods."

Each of these effects changes a place and a culture.  In Napa Valley, these changes can be expected from 3 different tourist populations: short term tourists (the standard definition), 30-day or more semi-residential vacation rental tourists and full residential tourists (the 2nd homers). Residential tourists cannot vote and generally do not participate in community operations/events/clubs/etc; however, some of those do plan to live here eventually.
To respond appropriately with a long term fair policy for all, it is necessary to study the impact of all forms of tourism on local culture and implement fine-tuned solutions for negative effects.  Preserving local culture should be the goal for all.  From the start, it is this culture which draws people here and if it becomes homogenized or exceeds carrying capacity, the positive benefits of tourism will be lost together with the local culture itself.


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