Subject: New City Hall Information

Date: September 8, 2013 3:50:53 PM PDT







Some new information has come to light which may come under discussion at Tuesday's City Council meeting (9/10 at 6 PM at Vintage Hall).  In the process of setting up the General Plan Guidelines document issued by the State and a list of the applicable State Codes ,which were posted yesterday, I came across this legal information and thought everyone should be aware of it by Tuesday. It may be one explanation of why the rush to sell City Hall. See the language below. 


I did not see any changes initiated by the Council or Staff to the Land Use Element of our proposed General Plan Update that indicated they intend to sell City Hall so it seems that there was no intention to go through the process after the approval of the General Plan.


This one incident shows how important the General Plan is to the town and everyone in it. Granted, the Guidelines are not easy to dive into but it is a great defense against special interests -- it's a good read!


Hope to see you there on Tuesday.

Thanks a lot!






Capital improvements and public facilities are subjects

that are listed under the land use and circulation

elements in ¤65302. In addition, ¤65401 requires that

proposed public works projects be reviewed annually

for conformity with the general plan. Further, ¤65402

prohibits acquisition or disposal of public property with-

out a finding from the planning commission of conformity

with the general plan.


¤65402 Restrictions on acquisition and disposal of

real property.

(a) If a general plan or part thereof has been adopted,

no real property shall be acquired by dedication or otherwise

for street, square, park or other public purposes,

and no real property shall be disposed of, no street shall

be vacated or abandoned, and no public building or

structure shall be constructed or authorized, if the

adopted general plan or part thereof applies thereto,

until the location, purpose and extent of such acquisition

or disposition, such street vacation or abandonment,

or such public building or structure have been

submitted to and reported upon by the planning agency

as to conformity with said adopted general plan or part

thereof. The planning agency shall render its report as

to conformity with said adopted general plan or part

thereof within forty (40) days after the matter was submitted

to it, or such longer period of time as may be designated

by the legislative body.



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