Subject: Status of Survey

Date: March 21, 2014 4:55:30 PM PDT





A reminder to take the Survey!  And, if you have opinions about the General Plan, an Initiative to adopt the 2010 Plan or the Survey itself, you can express them in a comment box. Using Survey Monkey means it is completely anonymous -- there is no way to know who is responding or not unless you decide to add your name.  The Survey.  Please take a few moments to complete the survey and/or send it to others.  If you wish to skip the Survey but want to support an Initiative to place the 2010 General Plan Update on the Nov. ballot,  just click "Reply" to this email -- no message necessary.

On Tues. there is another round of the City Council changing the General Plan.  Two of the most crucial Elements yet to be covered are:  Climate Change:  this is a critical one for this agricultural and auto-dependent destination. Also to go is Circulation (Traffic): this deals with the fact that the Council has made the whole east side off-limits to everything -- housing, the Adams St. proposals, extending streets that they promised in the last Housing Element and better access to Silverado to alleviate Main St. traffic.  In addition there is also the Community Design Element and the Open Space Element. Should be interesting -- so lend your voice too!  Please attend the meeting (Tues., 6PM, Vintage Hall) or send the Council an email.  Here are the major changes -- especially note the deletions -- to Climate Change, Circulation, Community Design, Open Space.
(Key:  red = deletions, green = additions, black = original text. Cover sheet for abbreviations.)

Thank you,


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